The Tooth Fairy Takes a Trip Around The World

Every year, the American Dental Association helps raise awareness about the importance of oral health for children by sponsoring National Children’s Dental Health Month. One of the most beloved mascots known to children everywhere is the tooth fairy.  She is very well traveled and takes part in quite a few unique traditions that kids from […]


When, Where and How You Should Floss

When: If you are not a morning person, we don’t suggest you force yourself to make important decisions or complete tasks that require concentration and fine motor skills right when you wake up.  Since preventing a potentially life threatening infection in your mouth is a focus worthy habit, wait until you have breakfast and that […]


Why Does My Dentist Need To Know: The Medications I Take

As with any other medical practice, your dental office has you fill out a health history, but you may be wondering why we ask so many questions.  In this series of blogs, we hope to help you understand how important it is to be open, honest and specific when giving up your personal information. Prescribed […]


5 Nervous Habits That Are Bad For Your Teeth

Job stress, relationship problems, boredom and an overactive mind can really cause some damage to your teeth.  Save yourself time and money by avoiding these five habits. Grinding and Biting Nighttime grinding is one of the most common causes of chipped teeth and broken fillings. Waking up with a headache or sore jaw is a […]


Fido Needs Dental Care Too, Doggonit!

February isn’t just for your human children.  It’s also National Pet Dental Health Month and just like your two-legged family members, your furry friends also need to have their teeth and gums looked after. Say No to Dog Breath Bad breath is not funny, even for a dog or cat.  Heck, even guinea pigs deserve […]


Dental Apps For Children That Make Brushing and Flossing Fun

If you think you’re having a hard time staying motivated with brushing, imagine the trouble your little ones are having.  Instead of battling it out every morning, night or even worse, giving up on them, why not let technology help make your parenting job a little easier.  These apps are a surefire way to get […]


10 Tips for Getting Your Children Dentist Ready

Let’s be honest, a first trip to any medical office can be scary for children.  Not knowing what they will see, feel or hear may cause them to be nervous.  To avoid an unpleasant dental visit, we recommend these useful tips. Watch Your Mouth Children are little sponges and they will develop their habits and […]


Top 5 Ways to Celebrate National Toothache Day

It’s unlikely you already have February 9th on your calendar as a day to celebrate your dentist but this story may change your mind. Even though this year’s National Toothache Day has passed, there is no need to neglect your teeth all year until the next National Toothache Day. Keep your teeth healthy year-round so […]


Brushing Your Teeth Can Prevent Heart Disease

Everyone knows that daily oral hygiene such as flossing and brushing with fluoridated toothpaste helps to prevent bad breath from gum disease and tooth decay. However, new scientific studies reveal that proper dental care is also important to protect the heart from the damage of diseases caused by bacteria. Dangerous bacteria from food particles and […]


How Often Should I Floss?

Now, most people take care of their teeth by brushing them twice a day. Sadly, some neglect their mouth when they forget to floss. While there is no hard rule to live by, it is wise to floss at least once a day. Here are three different times of the day where flossing is useful […]