Brushing Your Teeth Can Prevent Heart Disease

Everyone knows that daily oral hygiene such as flossing and brushing with fluoridated toothpaste helps to prevent bad breath from gum disease and tooth decay. However, new scientific studies reveal that proper dental care is also important to protect the heart from the damage of diseases caused by bacteria. Dangerous bacteria from food particles and dental plaque can easily travel through the bloodstream to an individual’s blood vessels and heart valves. The bacteria can lead to serious heart problems that often cause strokes or heart attacks. Brushing teeth at least twice a day is the best way to remove food particles before bacteria begins to develop along the mouth’s gum line and between teeth.

How Dangerous Bacteria Enters the Heart

In addition to brushing teeth with a quality toothbrush several times a day, it is important to floss in difficult to reach locations of the mouth. Many individuals have closely spaced teeth that a toothbrush’s bristles do not reach. The result of missing food debris between teeth while brushing is a buildup of sticky plaque and hardened tartar that is a health hazard. Tartar and plaque contain dangerous bacteria that will consume tooth enamel and gum tissue while creating an infection. During a routine dental checkup, a dentist or hygienist can scrape away plaque with dental tools to help prevent cavities, gum disease and bad breath. At the same time, professional tooth cleanings from a dentist twice a year also protects a patient’s heart from long-term heart disease.

Proper Dental Care Prevents Complications

Brushing teeth properly can also prevent cardiovascular disease caused by bacteria that travels from the mouth’s tissues to the interior of the body. Individuals with periodontal diseases that infect gum tissue must seek treatment from a dentist experienced in treating gingivitis that affects the alveolar bones and ligaments. When infection from bacteria spreads to the inner parts of teeth such as the cementum, there is a possibility of damage to the body’s heart and blood vessels leading to permanent health concerns from heart attacks and strokes. If a dentist notices gum disease, then treatments can begin with oral antibiotics to help destroy dangerous bacteria in the body’s tissue. In addition, the dentist can perform scaling procedures near the roots of teeth to remove substances containing bacteria while applying extra strength hydrogen peroxide solution.
