

Tooth decay and cavities are unfortunate dental problems especially prevalent among children and adolescents, but also affecting adults. Cavities are caused by plaque that covers the teeth. Sugar and starches activate the bacteria in plaque causing it to attack and erode the tooth enamel. The tooth enamel can continue to break down causing a cavity […]

What Foods Cause Cavities

Which Foods Cause Cavities and Which Foods Prevent Cavities

Concerned that the foods you eat may cause cavities? Or are you wondering if foods can prevent cavities? Either way, cavities are caused by the protective layer of the teeth, known as the enamel, being worn or eaten away by sugars and starches. However, not all foods containing these ingredients are created equal. Keep reading […]


What Are the Leading Causes of Cavities?

A cavity may not seem like a big health problem, but if untreated, cavities can cause infection, excruciating pain, and result in the infected tooth having to be pulled. Since the onset of a cavity doesn’t always show symptoms, by the time you notice you have one, the damage has spread deeper into the enamel […]


5 Beverages You Should Avoid If You Want a Healthy Smile

When it comes to keeping your smile healthy, watching your diet is just as important as brushing and flossing. There are a number of beverages that can potentially ruin your smile if you consume them on a regular basis. If you’d like to keep your smile as healthy as possible, here are five beverages you […]


5 Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is the biggest holiday for buying and eating candy—so much that the thought of trying to keep it healthy may have you saying, boo! However, making healthier choices around the holidays doesn’t always mean you have to go cold-turkey when it comes to the tasty goodies. Here are a few simple tips to make […]

What Is an Occlusal Cavity?

What Is an Occlusal Cavity?

Everyone has peaks and valleys in their teeth with some teeth experiencing particularly deep grooves. When tooth decay occurs on the top surface of a tooth, it is sometimes referred to as an occlusal cavity. When it comes to staying occlusal cavity free, there are numerous habits you should practice. Learn more here. Preventing Occlusal […]

Four Facts You May Not Know About Cavities

Four Facts You May Not Know About Cavities

Did you know that 92 percent of adults ages 20 to 64 have had at least one cavity in a permanent tooth? Cavities are the breakdown of teeth due to the activity of different bacteria. Cavities can present a number of symptoms, but common side effects are pain and difficulty while eating. While you probably […]

How Cough Syrup Can Cause Cavities

How Cough Syrup Can Cause Cavities

When a cold comes along, many of us turn to cough syrup to help us get through it. But while a spoonful of liquid medication may ease the pain in our throats, it could be doing harm to other parts of your body. There are several ingredients in cough syrup that can lead to tooth […]

How Often Should I See My Dentist?

How Often Should I See My Dentist?

In a previous blog post, we discussed how often you should get your teeth cleaned. This time around, we will be talking about the best schedule for visits with your dentist. Initial Examinations Anytime you visit a dental office for the first time, it is necessary to see the doctor for a comprehensive exam and […]

Why Flossing is Good For Your Teeth

Why Flossing is Good For Your Teeth

If you’re like most folks, you know that keeping your mouth clean is the best way to maintain a fresh and beautiful smile. Brushing for two minutes twice per day seems easy enough right? But how many of you tend to skip right over flossing? Let’s look at all the ways flossing is good for […]