Are Dental Crowns an Option for Me?

Dental crowns or “caps” are tooth like restorations that are cemented right on top of a worn or damaged tooth.  They may also be used in cosmetic cases where we are trying to improve upon the color of the teeth or change the overall shape.  Here are a few ways dental crowns might be able […]


Exciting News About Biopatch Bone Regeneration

The American Dental Association recently released information on a new biopatch that can regenerate dental bone.  Here’s what we know so far: In The Past Although implants were by far the best way to replace missing teeth, many patients that lacked sufficient bone were not qualified to get them.  The bone in our mouths regenerates […]


How can I Fix my Smile?

Are you embarrassed about how your teeth look? Is it sometimes painful or difficult to eat certain foods? If you answered yes to either one of those questions, than you are not alone. You should also know there are a number of ways that restorative dentistry can help relieve your discomfort and give you a […]


What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are growing in popularity as an option to replace missing teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium, or a titanium alloy, and are used to replace the roots of a lost tooth. Titanium has a propensity for bonding with bone. Your dentist can attach an artificial tooth to the implant once it is […]