What Foods Cause Cavities

Which Foods Cause Cavities and Which Foods Prevent Cavities

Concerned that the foods you eat may cause cavities? Or are you wondering if foods can prevent cavities? Either way, cavities are caused by the protective layer of the teeth, known as the enamel, being worn or eaten away by sugars and starches. However, not all foods containing these ingredients are created equal. Keep reading […]

The Complete Guide To Buying Organic Toothpaste

The Complete Guide To Buying Organic Toothpaste

Perusing the toothpaste aisle can be very intimidating. Do we want minty fresh or evergreen? Do we want baking soda or teeth whitening? For anyone who wants to make the process easy while going organic, check out our complete guide to buying organic toothpaste. First, we should be on the lookout for what ingredients may […]

How Does Phosphoric Acid Affect My Teeth?

How Does Phosphoric Acid Affect Your Teeth?

Phosphoric acid is the chemical found in soft drinks. It’s actually the second most added chemical in the food industry. We know sugar is bad for you and we’ve heard the studies about how soda is unhealthy as well… but how does phosphoric acid really affect your teeth? What Is Phosphoric Acid? Phosphoric acid adds […]


Foods That Help With Dragons Breath

After a good night’s sleep, most of us wake up with the unpleasant, but common occurrence known as “morning breath.”  Fortunately after a good brushing session, that bad taste in your mouth is history… until food and bacteria wreak havoc again and become odoriferous.  You definitely don’t want the reputation of having dragon’s breath!  Paying […]

What Are Impacted Teeth?

What Are Impacted Teeth?

Impacted teeth are third molars at the back of your mouth (your wisdom teeth) that don’t have any room to grow. Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge in our mouths. Typically, if people have wisdom teeth (and not everyone does), they will have two on the top of their mouth and two […]

How to Clean Your Night Guard

How to Clean Your Night Guard

Why Do People Use Night Guards? Many people find themselves waking up with sore jaws and mouths due to teeth grinding, this is called bruxism and many people suffer from it. One of the most common ways to treat bruxism and restore your sleep is by using a night guard. There are other ways to […]

A Coffee Lover's Guide to Oral Care

A Coffee Lover’s Guide to Taking Care of Your Teeth

Every true caffeine addict knows; coffee and your teeth just don’t get along. Coffee can stain your teeth, or leave you with nasty smelling breath. But don’t worry; there is no need to give up your morning cup of joe! Here are a few easy ways to protect your smile, without forgoing your caffeine fix. […]

Does Activated Charcoal Really Help Whiten Teeth?

Does Activated Charcoal Really Help Whiten Teeth?

Has anyone heard… Activated charcoal is supposed to make your teeth dramatically whiter. Have you ever tried it? We’re here to talk about activated charcoal and give you the complete lowdown. Is it a good idea or bad idea? It should be noted that no official studies have shown activated charcoal helps whiten your teeth. […]

Why Does Orange Juice Taste So Bad After Brushing Your Teeth?

Why Does Orange Juice Taste Bad After Brushing Your Teeth?

We’ve all done it… brushed our teeth like upstanding citizens, and then regret every decision we’ve ever made as soon as we take a sip of orange juice. Drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth is a universal disgust. It’s understood that orange juice and toothpaste just don’t mix  — but does anyone know why? […]

The Importance of A Healthy Smile

The Importance of A Healthy Smile

We are all aware of the power of a smile. It’s one of the first characteristics people see about you. But do you know the actual importance of having good oral hygiene? We know some of the practical ways to ensure a beautiful smile, such as flossing everyday, brushing your teeth twice a day and […]