Can You Floss Your Teeth Too Much? | Daxon Dentistry

Can You Floss Your Teeth Too Much?

Flossing your teeth each day is essential to ideal dental health, but can you floss your teeth too much? The American Dental Association and Dr. Daxon here at Daxon Dentistry recommend that you floss at least once per day to help remove plaque from your gums and teeth. However, some feel that teeth should be flossed twice per […]

The History of Floss

The History of Floss

Dentists recommend flossing daily as an important part of good dental hygiene. But do you know the history behind how that thread became part of our daily routine? Ancient Origins of Floss Anthropologists claim that markings on the teeth of ancient humans indicate that they used various implements such as pointed sticks to clean between […]


How Long Will It Take for My Gums to Stop Bleeding When I Floss?

One of the main reasons people don’t floss is because of the bleeding it can cause to their gums. However, this is a completely natural reaction caused by the body’s immune system. The bleeding is caused by irritation to the gum and the breakdown of food particles in the mouth. Regardless of bleeding gums, here’s […]


How Often Do I Need to Floss?

Be honest—how often do you really floss? While we know we should be flossing daily, flossing remains one of the most difficult things to get people to commit to doing on a regular basis. Regular flossing however, is also one of the best things you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy and […]

Is It Better to Floss in the Morning or at Night

Is It Better to Floss in the Morning or at Night?

Whether you are middle aged or beyond retirement, you have to take care of your teeth. This means cleaning them every day with a brush and, especially, with dental floss. Some dentists believe that flossing is at least as important as brushing when it comes to preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Not nearly as […]

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Floss!

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Floss!

Yes, it’s that time of year again when millions of people make themselves promises for an improved future by making a list of New Year’s resolutions. Daily flossing can improve your health in more ways than one, so it could be added to your list of resolutions! Here’s the summary of why and how to […]

Why Flossing is Good For Your Teeth

Why Flossing is Good For Your Teeth

If you’re like most folks, you know that keeping your mouth clean is the best way to maintain a fresh and beautiful smile. Brushing for two minutes twice per day seems easy enough right? But how many of you tend to skip right over flossing? Let’s look at all the ways flossing is good for […]


Floss Alternatives for the Anti-Flosser

You just can’t seem to get the whole string-flossing thing because your hands are too big, you don’t have the time or you just don’t like doing it. Your dentist and hygienist keeps telling you that your gums need more attention or that you aren’t doing a great job of plaque removal in between your […]