How to Show Your Teeth Some Love This Month

We go out of our way to show love to the people in our lives we care about—from our significant other to friends and family, we’re always looking for ways to show them we care. However, it’s important to remember that your teeth deserve a little love too. After all, your teeth are responsible for […]

Moving to St. Pete? Why Daxon Dentistry Are The Dental Experts to Call

Moving to St. Pete? Call Daxon Dentistry for Expert Dental Care

  The city of St. Petersburg in Florida is an absolutely beautiful location to make a life change. Moving across the country, state or even county means that other life changes happen also — including trying to find a trusted dentist, doctor and other service providers in the area. We at Daxon Dentistry can help […]

Valentines Day 2016: Where to Go in St. Pete

What to Do in St. Pete on the Longest Day of the Year

Summer has officially started and it’s the longest day of the year! For native Floridians, we are quite lucky to enjoy sunshine and summer weather most of the year. But, how do you plan on spending the longest day of the year? The following are three ideas that answer the question of what to do […]

The Do's and Don'ts of Prosthodontists

The Do’s and Don’ts of Prosthodontists

Prosthodontists are more than just dentists. Not only do they examine your smile, the health of your teeth and gums and talk you through procedures; but they also look at your oral health as a contributor to your overall health. Prosthodontists understand that the body is interconnected and good oral hygiene is part of a […]

Here's Why You Actually Need to Floss

Here’s Why You Actually Need to Floss

Most people are rigorous about brushing their teeth at least twice a day; yet flossing is often ignored. Regardless, this much neglected habit is essential to maintaining the health of your teeth. By flossing just once a day, you can preserve your smile and keep your teeth clean. Flossing Is the Only Way to Thoroughly […]

The History of Floss

The History of Floss

Dentists recommend flossing daily as an important part of good dental hygiene. But do you know the history behind how that thread became part of our daily routine? Ancient Origins of Floss Anthropologists claim that markings on the teeth of ancient humans indicate that they used various implements such as pointed sticks to clean between […]

What to Do on Leap Day in St. Pete

What to Do on Leap Day in St. Pete

Leap Day only comes around once every four years, but this February holiday gives you the chance to celebrate that special day with a loved one. Whether you’re the type of person who loves action and excitement, or you prefer staying home with someone special, you’ll find the perfect thing to do this Leap Day […]


3 Tips to Ensure Your Holiday Card is Fridge-Worthy

When you select the picture for your holiday card, you want it to be absolutely perfect. You imagine a picture with smiling children, their eyes on the camera and their clothing looking pressed and perfect. There’s just one problem: you live in the real world, with real kids who aren’t ready for a photoshoot every […]

How to Keep Your Breath Fresh All Day

How to Keep Your Breath Fresh All Day

Most friends aren’t brave enough to tell you when your breathe isn’t quite fresh. It is also very difficult to do a self-inventory to determine whether or not your breath is fresh throughout the day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to keep your breath fresh all day long. These informative links from […]

5 Things You Didn't Know About TMJ

5 Things You Didn’t Know About TMJ

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, a disorder where an individual’s jaw is out of alignment or doesn’t function as it should. This can cause a variety of symptoms including severe, disruptive migraines. Want to know more about TMJ? These informative links from around the web can help. 1. Fast facts about TMJ. 2. Did you know? […]