Porcelain veneers are a thin, translucent shell of tooth-like ceramic material that is permanently bonded to the front of the teeth. This very thin dental porcelain reflects light just like your natural tooth enamel — making them virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are used to treat a variety of conditions including:
- Gaps or spaces between teeth
- Broken or chipped teeth
- Teeth that are stained or discolored
- Crooked or uneven teeth
Your Treatment Options
We start the process by fitting you with temporary veneers, made of plastic. The temporaries are sculpted to the exact shape, size, width, and length — giving you an opportunity to give your veneers a test drive to make sure they are exactly what you want. Once you’ve approved your temporaries, we take an impression so you know exactly what you are going to get. The porcelain veneers will be crafted by hand at one of the nation’s top dental laboratories, made of the finest dental porcelain.
Bonding & Implementation
The final phase of the porcelain veneer process is bonding. Once the veneers arrive from the lab, we’ll have another appointment to check the fit and touch up the color to match your natural teeth. Then our dental team will clean your teeth and apply a bonding cement that reacts with special curing light for a permanent fit.
Follow-Up Care & Maintenance
With proper care, your porcelain veneers will last for years and years. Veneers are highly resistant to stains from food and drink so your smile will stay youthful and beautiful. You can continue with your normal dental care routine to keep your teeth healthy.
Why Choose Daxon Dentistry for Porcelain Veneers
The key to all successful cosmetic dental procedures is proper treatment planning. At Daxon Dentistry, each patient is given a complete evaluation which includes a thorough physical examination of the neck, jaw, mouth, and teeth. Using digital photography and imaging, we can help you visualize what your results will look like. Plus, our veneers look so much like natural teeth that no one will even know you have them – they’ll just notice your beautiful smile.