It seems that everywhere where we go for services, there’s always a bunch of paperwork to fill out. Yes, it can be annoying, but keeping current and accurate records serves a vital purpose for many businesses and your dental office is no exception. Before you breeze through your next medical history and leave things out you think “aren’t important for your dentist to know,” take these facts into consideration:
We Are Treating YOU, Not Just Your Teeth!
Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body. Many diseases have significant effects on your teeth and gums. Your medical conditions may also determine when or if we can perform certain procedures. We want to schedule your visits so that they don’t interfere with the times you need to take medication, eat or rest. Because we are trained to find abnormalities, knowing your complete medical history will assist us with accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Your Past Says A Lot About Your Future.
Genetic conditions and medical procedures you’ve had can affect the prognosis of your teeth. We want to treatment plan based on what’s in your best interest. Leaving out information about past surgeries and complications could be detrimental to your health if we don’t have all of the information we need. If you have a history of narcolepsy, you can imagine how important it is for us to know in case you suddenly become unresponsive while at our office!
Medications Have Lots of Side Effects
You definitely are what you eat and your medications, vitamins and herbal supplements could put you at a higher risk for gum disease and decay. There are hundreds of medications that cause dry mouth, which affects how well your body is able to fight off plaque and acids. Because we use anesthetics and write prescriptions, keeping detailed lists of your medications could save your life.
Remember next time you are updating your paperwork that we care about your health and want to give you the personalized attention you need. If you have a lengthy medical history, write it all down at home and keep a list in your wallet or purse for future reference. Update the list anytime you have a procedure or change in your medications.