Your Tooth Sensitivity is Trying To Tell You Something

As the years go by, most adults will notice random aches and pains and pass them off as a normal sign of aging.  Although some are not a cause for concern, there are times when you should heed the warnings.  Tooth sensitivity is especially worrisome because cavities, cracks and periodontal disease never get better.  Here are a few things that tooth sensitivity might be trying to tell you.

Your Tooth Roots Are Showing

Gum recession and bone loss can be caused by several different factors, mainly bacteria and bite problems.  When the bone and surrounding gum tissue migrate away from the top of the tooth, a second layer makes an appearance.  This layer isn’t nearly as resistant to chemical and physical forces like plaque acids and aggressive brushing or nighttime grinding. Sensitivity to cold and sweets along these roots can be treated successfully.

Your Teeth Have Cracks

Even though we can’t always see hairline fractures on an x-ray, your teeth can be very vocal when it comes to cracks.  When pressure is applied to a tooth, a common symptom of a split tooth is a distinct “zinger”, or sharp pain that lasts for a short period of time.  We often hear patients say they just avoid chewing on that area, which is a terrible way of rationalizing the problem.  Addressing those types of pains early may just save your tooth.

You Have A Cavity

Tiny spots of decay don’t usually hurt and that’s why a dentist needs to use radiographs to rule them out, but tooth sensitivity may be telling you that it’s indeed a cavity.  This type of sensitivity might come from chewing, cold or sweets and even while brushing.  Since you are the most important part of our team, we depend on you reporting teeth that don’t feel comfortable, so don’t be shy.

Your Habits Need To Change

Even during this exciting time of information exchange and scientific advancements, one basic element still exists.  People develop bad habits despite their knowing they shouldn’t.  Nervous habits like biting fingernails or chewing on ice, smoking and drinking habits, energy drinks and sodas, are known to influence our risk for decay.

Remember that your teeth should feel comfortable and quiet when you eat, drink and talk.  Anything less can have negative side effects for your overall well-being.  So, the next time we ask you how your teeth are feeling, be honest.  Because no news is good news in dentistry but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your teeth.
