If you have experienced symptoms like your gums bleeding during brushing or your gums becoming unexpectedly swollen, you may be suffering from gum disease. Also known as gingivitis, gum disease is caused by a bacterium that builds up between your teeth and gums.
Thankfully, there are ways to successfully treat gum disease. Below are some steps you should take if you want to protect your dental health and rid yourself of this condition.
Rinse Well
First, you must rinse your mouth with the proper disinfectant. This will help kill the bacteria in your mouth that causes gingivitis. While you can buy mouth rinses over the counter at many stores, it is a better idea to obtain a prescribed dental rinse from your dentist.
Obviously, you must also brush your teeth. You should brush after you wake up, before you go to sleep and after each meal. Absolutely make sure to use a fluoride-based toothpaste. You may also want to obtain an electric toothbrush with very fine bristles from your dentist to more successfully remove plaque build-up, as opposed to the toothbrushes found on most store shelves.
Flossing Helps
Flossing is also very helpful when fighting gum disease. This is due to the fact that the plague and tartar that build up between your teeth will not be removed by brushing alone. Plaque and tartar come from the food you eat. For this reason, flossing after meals is a great idea.
Although it may not be something you have heard all that often, regularly cleaning your tongue can also help prevent the buildup of bacteria in your mouth. You can do this through the use of a tongue scraper.
Your diet is also important for fighting gum disease. Make sure to get plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are integral to good dental health. Try to avoid sugary foods that cause cavities, as well as overly acidic drinks that can eat away at tooth enamel and irritate the bacteria that cause gum disease.
Lastly, you should certainly obtain regular teeth and gum cleanings from your dentist. It is very hard to remove all the plaque and tartar on your own due to the fact it hardens over time. Scheduling cleanings with your dentist three-to-four times a year can help assure that you keep the bacteria that cause gum disease at bay.