TMJ Treatment

TMJ Therapy St. Pete

Approximately 35 million people suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, commonly known as TMD, in the United States. TMJ disorders are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed by health care professionals. Treating TMJ disorders with TMD therapy should be reserved for medical professionals with experience and expertise in the field. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain in the neck and shoulders
  • Headaches, sometimes migraines
  • Limited mobility or locking of the jaw
  • Painful clicking or popping of the jaw joint
  • Dull ache or pressure in the ears, sometimes decreased hearing

Your Treatment Options

At Daxon Dentistry, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of all patients before determining a course of action. Starting with a complete physical examination of the  jaw joints, muscles and teeth, we’ll establish an occlusal base line. By using advanced technology and models, we can prepare an individualized treatment plan to alleviate symptoms and correct your TMJ problems. Treatment may be as simple as a night guard or splint therapy. Surgical treatment is typically reserved for severe cases and only after conservative options have been attempted.

Why Choose Daxon Dentistry for TMD Therapy

As a Prosthodontist, Dr. Daxon specializes in complex occlusal disorders, complete dentures, and dental implants. She focuses on restoring optimal health and function to your smile, while relieving discomfort caused by TMJ disorders. And, our team has almost 30 years of experience treating patients with complex disorders, such as TMD.

Learn More About Our Prosthodontic Procedures

Full Mouth Restoration

Missing Teeth Replacement


Crowns & Onlays

Dental Bridges

Dental Implants

Dentures & Partials

Porcelain Veneers